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Anxiety & Stress, Relationship Issues, Grief and Loss, Self-Esteem, Anger Management, Life Transitions, Personal Development, Substance Abuse and Addiction, Chronic Illness, Emotional Regulation, Social Skills, Communication Skills, Eating Disorders, Body Image Issues, Cultural Identity Issues, Coping with Divorce or Separation, Loneliness, Phobias and Fears, Parenting Support, Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Recovery, ADHD, Postpartum Depression, Pet Loss Grief, Internet & Gaming Addiction, Dissociation, Childhood Trauma, Paranoia, Life Purpose, Hoarding, Gambling Addiction, Chronic Fatigue, Dementia, Cancer Support, Physical Abuse Recovery, Miscarriage, Nightmares, Career Transitions, Bullying, Couples Therapy, Trust Issues
MPhil Clinical Psychology
Snigdha is an RCI-Certified Clinical Psychologist with over a decade of clinical experience. Her key research areas include Digital Mental Health and Digital Therapeutics. She adopts a non-judgmental and compassionate approach in her collaborative therapeutic partnerships, having treated over 5,000 clients from diverse backgrounds with common mental health and emotional disorders. As a queer affirmative and trauma-informed therapist, Snigdha understands the unique challenges individuals face and aims to facilitate personal growth and resilience for all her clients through tailored approaches.
Describing her therapeutic style as patient, non-judging, and compassionate, Snigdha creates a welcoming and relaxed environment where clients feel comfortable discussing their life's challenges. She emphasizes the validation of emotions and acceptance, supporting individuals in becoming the best versions of themselves. Rooted in ‘client centrism,’ her therapeutic philosophy empowers clients to take control of their lives through education and introspection, with the ultimate goal of helping them embrace the ongoing journey of life with hope.
Whether navigating stress, anxiety, depression, or needing someone to talk to,
find professional help and a place to express yourself openly.
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Snigdha Samantray has 10+ years of experience in the field of Psychotherapist.
Snigdha Samantray speaks the following language(s):
Snigdha Samantray charges a fee of 75 USD per session.
Snigdha Samantray is available for therapy sessions on:
Snigdha Samantray is from India.
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